Adapting to the Seasons of Life

How do you typically deal with change? Do you tend to embrace it, or do you resist the changes that life throws your way? What if I told you that life is very much like the seasons. We go through our summers, autumns, winters and springs. Each of these seasons of life bring with them valuable lessons that we can use to help us move forward in a better way. Instead of resisting them, we can learn to embrace them and then use the seasons of life to help us live life in more optimal ways.


The season of summer is built upon good planning, solid decision-making, risk-taking, goal accomplishment, and a chance to capitalize on the opportunities that life sends your way. Summer is therefore a time for reward, fulfilment and celebration. It often inspires courage, confidence and passion.

Summer is the perfect time for expanding your comfort zone, for networking with interesting people, for travel, for leisure, for thinking creatively, proactively, and for taking massive action toward the attainment of your goals and objectives. It is a period in your life where everything you have been working toward during spring is now part of your life experience. All those new habits you built, the skills you developed, the knowledge you acquired, and all that hard work you put into achieving your goals has paid off, and you are now basking in the glory of everything you have managed to accomplish.

Consider for a moment what impact the summers have had on your life over a lifetime. Consider what they have taught you about yourself, about others and about living your life. Consider also how they have shaped and transformed your personality and built your character. What valuable lessons have you learned from the summer seasons of your life?

seasons of life


The season of autumn is built upon pessimism, failure, hesitant action, unrealistic thinking, poor decision-making and a contracting comfort zone. Autumn is therefore a time for problems, mistakes and life transitions. It often unearths disappointment, stress and frustration.

Unfortunately the season of summer didn’t last. You made some poor choices and now you have all these problems on your hands. Possibly you failed to capitalize on opportunities that could have moved you forward in a better way. Or just maybe you made mistakes and things unfortunately just didn’t work out as you had expected. Anger, overwhelm and anxiety are driving you crazy as you try to navigate your way through massive disappointment. But even though you might not be in a good place right now, autumn brings with it the opportunity for transition and change.

Consider for a moment what impact the autumns have had on your life over a lifetime. Consider what they have taught you about yourself, about others and about living your life. Consider also how they have shaped and transformed your personality and built your character. What valuable lessons have you learned from the autumn seasons of your life?

seasons of life


The season of winter is built upon poor habits, ineffective choices, critical thinking and an inner desire for personal transformation. Winter is therefore a time for planning, self-reflection and hibernation. It often unearths regret, fear, and grief. And yet, there also seems to be a little hope for a better future.

The season of autumn was obviously very difficult. The awkwardness of that period of your life led to the development of poor habits that have brought you here to this very moment. You now fully understand the impact of all your poor choices and the failures and mistakes that pulled you out of the glorious season of summer. Yes, none of this feels good, but it’s not supposed to. You are in a significant transition period of your life. Deep self-reflection and planning is exactly what you need to get your life back on track. It’s time now to think realistically and thoughtfully about the foundations you must build to move your life forward.

Consider for a moment what impact the winters have had on your life over a lifetime. Consider what they have taught you about yourself, about others and about living your life. Consider also how they have shaped and transformed your personality and built your character. What valuable lessons have you learned from the winter seasons of your life?

seasons of life


The season of spring is built upon the development of new skills and habits, the acquisition of knowledge, and a deeper level of self-understanding. Spring is a time for dynamic thinking, learning and opportunity. It often triggers excitement, anticipation and a sense of purpose and direction.

During winter you built the foundations for spring. The time you spent on self-reflection and planning have helped shift and transform how you think about yourself and about your life. Moreover, this period of self-reflection has awakened within you a burning desire that now propels you forward. You have found your energy and swag once again, and are excited to learn new things and expand your understanding and awareness. Spring is a season where you start building empowering routines and habits that support incredible and challenging new goals that move you forward with great energy and enthusiasm.

Consider for a moment what impact the springs have had on your life over a lifetime. Consider what they have taught you about yourself, about others and about living your life. Consider also how they have shaped and transformed your personality and built your character. What valuable lessons have you learned from the spring seasons of your life?

seasons of life


We move through the seasons of life many times over the course of a lifetime. These seasons follow a natural cycle and rhythm that helps us to learn, grow, and to better understand ourselves on deeply profound levels of awareness. We can then use these insights to help us make better choices and decisions as we transition from one stage of life to another — naturally and effortlessly moving through the seasons of life.

Adapting to the seasons of life

Imagine for a moment you could develop new habits and methods of thinking where you naturally and effortlessly adopt these ideas into your life. How would that make you feel? Would you feel more fulfilled, empowered and in control?

Yes, there is such simplicity within this IQ Doodle, but of course there is a reason for that. Making positive change doesn’t need to be a complicated process. It just needs to be a consistent process where we progressively develop new habits-of-mind through repeated exposure and implementation. And that’s what these IQ Doodles are for.

We have prepared for you an IQ Doodle pack that includes several variations of this IQ Doodle that you can use for guidance and inspiration throughout the day. Use it consistently and you will begin making positive changes in the way you live, work and interact with others.

Visit the IQ Doodle Store to learn more about how to use this IQ Doodle and begin optimizing the way you live your life today.

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